Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sirloin Burritos

1 lb. sirloin steak, diced or ground
1 T. vegetable oil
1 (16 oz.) can pinto beans
3 C. tomatoes, peeled and chopped
2 T. Worcestershire sauce
2 C. Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
2 C. fresh green chilies, chopped
6 flour tortillas
1 1/2 C. lettuce, shredded
1 1/2 C. onions, chopped 

Brown steak in oil in large saucepan; stir in beans, 1cup tomatoes, 1 cup onion and Worcestershire sauce; cook, stirring occasionally for 10 minutes. 

Meanwhile, bring chilies, 1 cup tomatoes and remaining onion to a boil in small saucepan. Reduce heat; simmer for 5 minutes. 

Divide meat mixture evenly among the tortillas, fold envelope-style and place in a lightly greased baking dish. Top with cooked chili mixture and cheese. 

Bake at 400°F. for 8 to 10 minutes, or until lightly browned. Divide lettuce and remaining tomatoes on plates. Top with tortillas. 

Makes 6 servings.

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